Where I’m From: Wrangell, Alaska

Ḵaachx̱aana.áakʼw – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

This “poem” about where I’m from has made me think about my hometown in such a different way. I went into the task thinking that I would write about what way that the town has shaped me as a person. What traits from the communal “people” I took to application in my own life. Once I started, I realized that it was primarily a “poem” about the land itself. But I think the best way that I could approach this piece was a combination of both of these ways of thinking. If there was no personal information then the piece would simply be “Wrangell, Alaska” and not where I’M from.

6 thoughts on “Where I’m From: Wrangell, Alaska”

  1. Joe,
    Thank you so much for sharing about your place and how its features shaped who you are. I loved your appreciation of both the land and its culture, particularly its art. And your reflection brought just as much perspective about your view of your home. Good work!

  2. Hey Joe. Wrangell looks gorgeous, I’ve always wanted to visit (been to Petersburg a few times but for some reason never made it over from there). Your captions are really great, by the way.

  3. I LOVE HAIKU’s! I’m so impressed you wrote one! You’ve made me very interested in Wrangell.

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