Wisdom of our elders, what I learned

Hearing the three guests talked was extremely interesting and I found it incredibly informative and moving. The part that resonated with me was something they all talked about, which was them not being able to use their own language. You could tell as they spoke, that they were all deeply hurt by it and as if they felt an enourmous disconnect between them and their culture. Language is incredibly important to feeling part of a culture, and if it is taken away from you, and if you are told not to use it, then it can create a bit of a disconnect. I cannot imagine what it would feel like if when grown up, I was unable to speak English because it was banned. This was incredible to hear and is something that I would not want to see happen to anyone.

I also felt as though the love that is within the community, and the respect that they have for one another is something that I definitely want to implement in my classroom. Every teacher wants all of their students to respect each other, and that is something that I will try to achieve. The care that they all showed too is something that I want to show my students because I believe the respect will follow that. Overall this was an incredibly moving talk and I feel lucky to have been able to participate and listen to it.


2 thoughts on “Wisdom of our elders, what I learned”

  1. Matt, I agree that if we all start with simply having respect for our students, co-workers and community we can operate in our classrooms with an open heart. We will be better able to be accepting of each others diverse backgrounds and wealth of knowledge that each student carries within them.

  2. Matt,

    It seems that you took to heart all of the information the elders gave us. The impact of the boarding schools still continue in this time and day. What I like most about your post, is that you look at it with apathetic vision. You took the hardships and compare it to a modern scenario of you not being able to speak your first, I assume, language. I am glad you took this to heart, because it will be something you will learn more about, or hear about while you live in Alaska.

    Thank you for your post,
    Mason Shearer

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