Thirty Decades from Alaska – by Ryan Hickel

Thirty Decades from Alaska by Ryan Hickel – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

What I learned from this activity is that Haiku Deck is very easy to use. Embedding the slideshow into WordPress was only accomplished with Andy’s help however. I wasn’t sure how to log into WordPress and after that I did not know if I was supposed to share or export the slideshow into WordPress. After I saw the WordPress icon under Haiku Deck’s share button I tried to copy the HTML into WordPress but it did not actually work until Andy embedded it as Text as not as Visual.

I think Haiku Deck has a lot of potential as a creative writing tool, or even as a simple bare-bones slideshow type presentation tool using non-copyrighted public images.

6 thoughts on “Thirty Decades from Alaska – by Ryan Hickel”

  1. Great commentary about people and their world of boxes. Great imagery…. Kayak slide especially. Where is that shot from.

    1. Thanks Matt! That kayak slide is not mine but I’m 99% that is on the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge. Probably on Campbell creek, just west of Campbell lake. Very close to my folk’s house…I used to hunt ducks out there but locals eventually got sick of errant bird shot raining down on their roofs and ADF&G closed that down.

  2. Ryan,

    Great work with your Haiku Deck project! I loved the images you used and also liked the phrases you coupled with the pictures. I appreciated that you focused on both the natural and manmade aspects of Alaska- the phrase “People leaving boxes in boxes going to other boxes” was both a deep but also amusing commentary on the ways of living in urban Alaska.

    Thanks for exploring these new tools!

    1. Thanks Ruth! That was a very thoughtful reply. Yeah, Anchorage is definitely a strange (but good!) mix of the urban hustle and bustle built in and around some huge and awesome trail systems. It’s really the only true “city” in AK in my opinion and all the good and bad that comes with it. And all surrounded by wilderness of course.

  3. Thank you for sharing your pictures! Did you make that yellow “slow” guy on the side of the road?

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