The Teacher in Me

We built a book.

Rome wasn’t built in a day is what keeps coming to mind when I think of our project based approach.  It is sometimes hard for me to see the deeper meaning behind certain lessons.  At first I felt that I really wanted to hear lectures about pertinent Alaska History.  Who decides what is pertinent though?  I think this set up allowed us to be creative and dictate what we thought was important.  The time pressure of the publishing date on iBooks I think lit a fire in most of us.  I do think that as a teacher I wouldn’t have minded a brief overview of the state of Alaska in a powerpoint form with a iPhone game (I can’t remember what it was called – with the concert goers app) something like that would’ve been a great intro.

I think ultimately I learned from this course not to be afraid of introducing different technologies.  Really setting this up for a longer term project would’ve been great, but I’m glad we developed a baseline for what one can do.

I appreciated it.
