The Beauty of Sitka

I am from a place where… – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

I’m from Sitka, Alaska where I remember taking a walk around Totem Park in the summer time. In this presentation I attempt to paint the senses that I experienced on one of those walks. I hope this captures a picture of the average summer day, especially for those that have been to Sitka or will be at some point in their lives.

By exploring HaikuDeck, I was able to create a short presentation by utilizing the search bar for a background picture. This feature allows the presenter to change the background to something deemed more effective that captures the meaning. In my teaching placement, since I will be teaching social studies, this program will be used for an assignment where students need an easy way to document their knowledge. Easier to learn than powerpoint, this is perfect when dealing with middle schoolers.

3 thoughts on “The Beauty of Sitka”

  1. Mason
    Awesome, Sitka’s a beautiful place, and getting a handful of devil’s club is never fun. Also my slideshow didn’t show up either. The links work fine though.

  2. Mason

    I’m heading to your hometown this fall and I’m excited. Your slideshow wet my appetite. It’s funny, around Anchorage we call Indian Celery “Cow Parsnip” and in Kodiak they call it “Pushki”. Three different names (at least) for one plant. It’s resin burns sun-exposed skin the same everywhere though I bet.

  3. Mason,

    I really enjoyed reading your poem about Sitka. I like how you described the natural landscape and painted an evocative picture of the environment and the native plants. I got a wonderful sense of the beauty of the land from reading your words. Sitka sounds lovely, and I hope to visit and see for myself sometime while I am in the program this year!


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