Standard B

My group examined the Cultural Standard B.  This culturally responsive curriculum description went into depth about using the past and present when talking about culture.  It is important to understand that the culture is still living and it is not something that only happened in the past.  The standard also points out that the past has an influence on the present.  It is just as important to understand this connection and can be easily implemented in a science classroom.

So, a science lesson that involves standard B could be subsistence in fishing.  It is an ongoing issue and resource that is heavily used in the area and culture and relevant to the students.  Because it has been an ongoing part of the local culture, there are many ways to implement the history of subsistence fishing.  Also, there are many current issues on the topic and it is still actively used in many households.  To use cultural standard B, means to talk and base a lesson on these ideas in the classroom.

The lesson could include the ways they used to fish and how important it was to the Alaskan Natives.  Being able to compare and contrast the differences between now and then (fishing line, hooks, and areas) would help pull in the past and present topics.

2 thoughts on “Standard B”

  1. I think it is important to talk about the present part of culture. Often, culture is thought of as something that is in the past, but it is not. Culture is a living, breathing beast that forms and shapes the world around us.

  2. I like the idea for your lesson plan. I was surprised to hear about the extent of traditional Halibut fishing among the Tlingit (thanks to Angie’s teaching). It just goes to show that the past is still alive even if we don’t know about it.

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